Sunday, February 23, 2025

All Migrants Must be Deported or What's Left of America Can't Survive.


Over 18 million migrant invaders entered under the Biden regime. All of them plus their offspring and the tens of millions that entered before, must be deported or what's left of America can't survive because there is not enough wealth left to financially support the negative value brown and black migrants. If the Trump regime fails to remove ALL the migrants, a catastrophic financial crisis is inevitable.

New money for the migrants is created by the privately owned "Federal Reserve" as money created from nothing as debt owed with interest, a power denied to all governments.

With that money creation power, international banking dynasties that control all central bank networks in the world, bought everything money can buy, including all key positions in former white nations which they are destroying using migrant invasion population replacement and countless toxic policies created to make all European Caucasian races extinct.

The money created from nothing as debt owed with interest, devalues incomes and savings, plunging white American taxpayers deeper into poverty. According to the "Federal Reserve" 51% of American taxpayers are too poor to pay Federal income taxes and are exempt. They only pay social security and employment taxes. Over 40% of American taxpayers are so poor that they lack $400 in cash to pay for emergencies.

There are not enough taxpayers, housing, medical care, schools, etc. to support the migrants. The mostly white tax donkeys are facing unlimited property tax increases in declining formerly upper middle class and higher class suburbs due to demands to increase school taxes to accomodate migrant children demands.

In New York State affluent overtaxed suburbs far from NYC have had property tax elections that voted for no increases, overturned by un-elected bureacrats. My district voted no tax increases, but the election was rejected and a property tax increase of 5% was imposed over the election refusal. That state of affairs can't continue or the entire middle and upper middle class will be liquidated.

How to end the migrant crisis.

1. Stop all government benefits, including schools, food, medical etc.
2. Enforce existing immigration laws that fine and imprison employers of illegal aliens and landlords that rent to them.
3. Give migrants 3 months to self-deport or face 2-3 years of work in jail work gangs working on roads and agriculture.
4. Deputize military veterans and bounty hunters to enforce immigration laws and pay them $2,000 per head to remove migrants to the Mexican border.

The above is the minimum needed for survival.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Population Replacement With Negative Value Lower Races Always Ends in Total Ruin and Extinction of Targeted Races.


Population replacement is what happens when races are defeated, demoralized and lose the will to conquer internal and external enemies. They lack fighting men to lead governments, resist forced population replacement and being tax farmed to support enemy migrants.

If migrants faced a hostile population with fighting men, they would self-deport and would stop coming for the same reason whites avoid black and brown habitats.

FEAR is stronger than the greed to live off white tax donkeys. The police and governments are also ruled by that natural law. They want to avoid being lynched by the population they hate.

Germany and Western Europe are sinking to 3rd World levels because of population replacement with negative value lower races and countless toxic policies created by anti-white rulers to destroy everything.

If the status quo continues, white males will perish in the ruins of the land they failed to defend while white women and girls become breeding stock for a new colored migrant mulatto race.

God's natural laws are hard, but just. Only organisms that fight to defend and expand their habitat, have a will to conquer internal and external enemies, reproduce normally and abundantly and promote only their best racial elements, have a right to life. Others become extinct as all failed species must.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Envy Creates Hatred That Can Only be Satisfied by the Destruction of the Envied


Envy creates a hatred that can only be satisfied by the destruction of the hated whites. Every place governed or inhabited by blacks is quickly destroyed. Blacks are so inferior that they can't even maintain cities or lands built by whites or other higher races.

Sane persons avoid black habitats, schools etc. because of the obvious reality that black lives destroy everything. Search: "world IQ chart" "world IQ map." Average black intelligence is within or near Moron level (51-70 IQ). Morons can't create anything or maintain anything higher than Haiti, Congo or the ruined cities they took over.

The glorification of inferior blacks is done by alien anti-whites that control media, false educations and all key positions in society. This power is based on the god-like power of privately owned central banks and member-owner banks that create money from nothing as debt owed with interest, a power denied to all governments.

Single Family Housing in All Former White Nations is Being Used to House Multiple Migrant Families in Former Single Family Homes.


They are wiping out single familiy housing in Ireland and other former white nations to house migrants living one family in each bedroom of a single family house.

In the U.S. State of New York, rich suburbs with large houses are being invaded by migrants. Corporations buy rich large houses and pack a family of migrants into each bedroom. The migrant women are permanently pregnant.

The houses are quickly ruined and as usual whites flee, accelerating the destruction of a rich district. Voters voted in a rich suburb to stop a property tax increase. An unelected State bureucrat overturned the election result and increased the property school tax 5%.

The so-called democracy overturns elections and it's clear that the over 18 million migrants that entered under the Biden regime and their anchor babies will occupy all available housing even in formerly rich suburbs while forcing whites to pay for their children's schools. Migrants get everything free so they pay slumlords more for multiple families in single family homes.

Americans can't afford to pay rents in competition with mutiple family renters and are being displaced. Sooner or later all former rich suburbs will be occupied by migrants while deportations are a tiny fraction of what's needed.

Laws on the books now punish employers and landlords of illegal aliens. If these laws were enforced and all government benefits were cut off, all migrants would self-deport and Americans could hold on to their housing etc.

The below chart was published by pro-migrant invasion groups to demand an end to single family housing in order to pack multiple families in dying Ireland which is undergoing population replacement by mass migrant imports.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Understand Racial Reality or Become a Victim of Ignorance.

 Blacks are the lowest of the lower races. When European explorers found them in the 15th century and even in the interior of Africa in the 1850s, blacks were in the stone age. Their average IQ is within or near Moron level (51-70 IQ). Search: "world IQ chart" "world IQ map."

The idea of mixing incompatible higher with lower races is EVIL and has caused many white and other higher race victims plus the destruction of most large cities in North America, Europe etc.

The distance separating European Caucasian white or Japanese races from blacks is greater than the distance separating blacks from the highest apes.

Only madmen or fools can't understand racial realities. Sane persons avoid black or brown habitats or institutions.

All Tens of Millions of Migrant Invaders Must be Deported or America Can't Survive.

 Confront reality. America can't afford to support the over 18 million migrant invaders that entered under the Biden regime, their offspring and the countless millions of invaders that entered before. According to the Federal Reserve, 51% of taxpayers are too poor to pay Federal income taxes and are exempt. They only pay social security and other employment taxes. Over 40% of Americans lack $400 in savings to cover emergencies.

Tens of millions of migrants must be deported or America won't survive above a low 3rd World level.

There is not enough housing, medical care, schools etc. to support the migrants and their unlimited anchor babies which require unlimited property taxes to provide schools for the migrant offsping.

New money for the migrants is created as debt owed with interest that must be paid by Federal income tax payers. This fuels inflation that devalues incomes and savings while it increases all prices including housing, food, everything.

Housing, medical care, schools, food, utilities, roads, EVERYTHING must the shared with the migrants. More for migrants is less for Americans that are plunging into poverty.

What more can they destroy?


Without written music sheets, teaching or performing real music is impossible. That will end all human musical talent other than primitive black rap and drumming.