Wednesday, January 22, 2025

America can't afford the migrant invaders, foreign wars, foreign aid, tribute payments to the "favorite nation" etc.


Over 18 million migrants entered under the Biden regime, they have an offspring every 2 years, that plus the countless millions that entered before are enough to destroy the American taxpayers.

The Federal Reserve recently announced that over 40% of Americans lack $400. in savings. They live paycheck to paycheck or on welfare. 51% of persons working in the economy are too poor to pay Federal income taxes and are exempt. There are not enough tax donkeys to support the poor migrant unskilled population.

New money is made for the migrants as debt owed with interest. That fuels inflation that devalues incomes and savings. Housing, medical care, schools, electricity, water, food, EVERYTHING must be shared with the migrants. America lacks the wealth to pay migrants or to support a larger population of any kind. Migrants get everything free paid by tax donkeys.

More for migrants is less for Americans. It's that simple. Single family homes are being bought by corporations that pack multiple migrant families per home, one family per bedroom. That increases rents and homeowners must pay more property taxes for schools for migrant children.

Americans are pushed out of housing. it's basic economics. America can't build enough housing for the larger population and in any case, most young Americans can't afford to buy or rent because multiple migrant families living in a single family home pay higher rents than a two income American family.

Former white middle class neighborhoods are turned into slums very quickly to resemble the migrant homelands. Migrants proved that they can't build a homeland for themselves and come here to feed off rapidly impoverishing tax donkeys composed of mostly whites.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Confront Reality. The Status Quo Leads to Total 3rd World Level Ruin for What's Left of the U.S. and All Former White Nations. If this Continues, European Caucasian White Races and Western Civilization Will Become Extinct in the Very Near Future.


All monarchies and republics failed and must be discarded. Their race and culture destroying international forced race mixing program and countless toxic policies and ideologies have resulted in the ruin of much of what European Caucasian whites built in past centuries.

Only a worldview that creates governments that focus on preserving independent nations, races and cultures can prevent the extinction of the European white races that invented everything significant in the world and the most beautiful and most advanced civilization in the world, including the best architecture, science, literature, art, EVERYTHING of value in the world.

The ruin created in all former white nations is evident to all thinking persons that can observe the ruined cities of North America, Europe and other former white nations plus the extreme cultural degeneration that has reached the absurd level of devoting a whole month each to homosexual sodomy and blacks which are the lowest race with zero significant achievements other than destroying worldwide every place they inhabit or govern to the lowest level of the lower races.

Forced integration of incompatible lower and higher races is a total failure that destroyed culture and education as well as all material things including once beautiful cities and real universities that are now merely corrupters of youth.

All former white nations are far advanced in the population replacement pogram using mass migrant invasions of both legal and illegal 3rd World primitive races.

In the territory of the former U.S. over 18 million migrant invaders entered under Biden. They already have more than one offspring per family, they usually breed one every two years. Countless millions of other 3rd World migrants forced their way into the U.S. in previous years to displace whites. Thus, the combined new and previous countless millions of migrant invaders are absolutely impossible to support at any level above starvation.

The same state of affairs exists in all former white nations because they are all undergoing the identical white extinction program.

The cost of the migrants alone is enough to destroy what's left of the 58% whites in the U.S. and ruin what's left. Note: the same state of affairs exists in all former white nations and will end the same.

Housing, medical care, schools, electricity, water, food, roads, EVERYTHING must be shared with the migrants but there is not enough wealth to distribute because according to the Federal Reserve central bank, over 40% of Americans lack even $400. in savings and are living from paycheck to paycheck. 51% of Americans working in the economy are too poor to pay Federal income taxes and are exempt. There are not enough taxpayers to support millions of migrants plus endless wars, foreign aid and foreign affairs.

New money is created as debt owed with interest for the negative value migrants. This fuels inflation that devalues incomes and savings, thus plunging all Americans below the top 5% income group into gradual, then accelerated poverty. Property taxes are increasing for homeowners in order to pay for schools and benefits for migrants. That is forcing Americans out of their homes and driving housing rental prices higher than most Americans can afford while they plunge into absolute poverty and inevitable starvation at the end.

Most white Americans can't afford to form families because of the high cost of housing, medical care etc.; costs that migrants get for free. The three investment companies that own controlling shares in over 80% of global corporations, are buying single familiy homes and apartments in once beautiful white neighborhoods and packing multiple migrant families into single family housing.

The primitive migrants quickly destroy the housing and the once beautiful neighborhoods and schools turn into 3rd Word slums like the ones the migrants created in their own homelands. Migrants proved that they can't create a homeland for themselves and that drives them to invade former white nations to feed off passive white tax donkeys and to occupy the cities and lands they built up which in all cases, they destroy.

The destruction of all former white nations and white races is inevitable under the population replacement program because white races are racially incapable of forming families to live in miserable 3rd World level absolute poverty with multiple families packed into single family homes with entire families sharing a single bedroom as living space.

White races can't survive in criminal slums surrounded by hostile migrants that envy and hate them because all lower races hate the beauty and intelligence of higher races.

The total destruction caused by 3rd World lower races is caused by inherited racial genes that determine appearance, intelligence, behavior, EVERYTHING. This means that the migrant replacement of white races will result in the destruction of ruins of the former white lands after white races become extinct. The remaining races living in former white nations will starve without white tax donkeys to feed them.

Advanced Asian races like the Japanese could survive but it appears that Japan and other advanced Asian races are also undergoing population replacement. This means that the entire remaining human species will become extinct after the European Caucasian race extinction.

ALL Migrant Invaders Must Be Deported, not merely a Few Millions, Or Americans Will Free Fall Into 3rd World Ruin. We can't Afford Them. We Can't Afford Foreign Affairs, Wars etc. Either.


Over 18 million migrant invaders entered under Biden. They have one offspring every 18 months. Add to that the countless millions of migrant invaders that entered before. Americans must share housing, schools, medical care, roads, electricity, water, EVERYTHING with the migrant invaders. America lacks the resources and money to absorb the millions of migrants.

There are not enough taxpayers to pay the cost of migrants. 51% of individuals working in the economy are too poor to pay Federal Income taxes and are exempt. The Federal Reserve published that 40% of Americans can't pay $400 for an emergency because they lack even that little savings.

Reality is hard but must be faced, Americans simply are not rich enough to support 3rd World migrants or migrants of any kind, even those that rob Americans of high paying jobs.

The migrants come as conquerors to take everything Americans have. They are negative value migrants. New money is created for migrants as debt owed with interest. That fuels inflation that devalues incomes and savings. Prices for housing and everything will drive most Americans into 3rd World poverty and even mass famine.

Migrants that anyone can observe have several children ready to enter American schools. Property taxes are increasing to unbearable levels for homeowners in formerly middle and upper class suburbs. That increases the cost of rental housing and forces Americans out of the housing market because they can't qualify for mortages and high property taxes.

Why must white tax donkeys be forced to pay property taxes that will drive them out of their homes in order to provide schools for the offspring of migrant invaders?

The end of the mass migrant population replacement is the ruin of everything and the inevitable extinction of European Caucasian whites because they can't breed without limits and live in multiple families packed into single family homes and apartments. One family occupies a single bedroom and shares the rest of the house.

Blacks will kill each other when they are inevitably forced into multiple families packed into single family housing. Whites will simply refuse to form families to try to cope with the lack of affordable housing.

Browns and migrants can live packed together because that's how they live in their failed, ruined 3rd World lands.

Migrants proved that they are unable to create homelands for themselves. Every place governed or inhabited by black or brown races is quickly destroyed, even formely beautiful cities built by whites.

It's suicide to continue the present state of affairs that affects all former white nations. All monarchies and republics failed and must be discarded. A worldview based on the preservation of independent nations and individual races must replace the status quo before the white races become extinct. That will inevitably cause the extinction of all remaining races because after the extinction of the highest race, the entire human species becomes another failed species that must be removed in order to make room for another.

God's natural laws are hard but just. Species that won't defend their habitats, reproduce normally and abundantly, defeat and conquer enemies, expand the living space of their race and have the WILL TO CONQUER must perish.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

To Be, or Not to Be, That is the Question.


Extinction is what happens to defeated, demoralized races that lack fighting men to defend them from mortal enemies internal and external.

If migrants faced a hostile population with fighting men, they would self-deport and would stop coming for the same reason whites avoid black habitats.

Fear is stronger than the desire to live off weak white tax donkeys and to rape their white women.

The weak, cowardly males will perish in the ruins of the land they inherited but failed to defend while their women and girls become prey to black and brown races to become breeding stock for mulatto races.

All monarchies and republics failed and must be discarded. The worldview of strong independent nations that cultivate strong fighting conquering men must be restored or the European Caucasian white races and Western civilization will become extinct.

Friday, January 17, 2025

What is the future of what’s left of Britain and other former white nations if the status quo continues?


All monarchies, republics and political organizations have failed to defend their founding stock races in former white nations. Defending the founding stock race and culture is the primary duty of politics because failure leads to extinction.

Population replacement is what happens to defeated, demoralized races occupied by mortal enemy governments that are forcing population replacement on the emasculated white race that lacks fighting men to defend the land they inherited but failed to defend plus their women and children.

If the present state of affairs continues, the ruins of Britain and all other former white nations will look like Africa mixed with India plus other 3rd World brown Muslim lands. White men and boys will perish in the ruins while white women and girls become prey of black and brown races that will use them as breeding stock for a new mulatto race.

The result of population replacement using mass migrant invasions is the extinction of the European Caucasian white races and Western civilization. After that happens, the remaining races will also become extinct because under God's natural laws, the human species will have proved unfit for life due to losing its most valuable race.

God's natural laws are hard but just. Only species that defend their habitat, reproduce normally and abundantly, defeats enemies plus expand their habitats by conquest, can live in this world.

The whites invented everything significant in the world and the most beautiful civilization. After their extinction, all inventions and human progress will end with them. That inevitably opens the way for another species to emerge to take the planet. Probably artificial intelligence with unlimited learning capability within robots.

The new population of 3rd World races proved that they can’t build a homeland for themselves, invent anything or even maintain what whites created which they quickly destroy.

They lack the inherited racial genes for intelligence and everything that makes a higher race like the Japanese etc.

The only hope for whites is a totally new worldview and political party that focuses on preserving European Caucasian white races and their unique cultures.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Who Has Omnipotent Power in the World? It's not governments and corporate CEOs.


The financial corporations, Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street own controlling shares in over 80% of global corporations. They have as a front cover, the management of trillions of dollars of private investors but their real power base is the management of the wealth of the international banking dynasties that control the privately owned central bank networks and member banks which have the god-like power of creating unlimited amounts of money from nothing as debt owed with interest, a power denied to all governments.

Banking dynasties own most of the wealth of the world because with money creation power, they bought all key positions in society and governments. The three financial corporations serve the banking dynasties to manage and invest their almost unlimited wealth.

The first privately owned central bank system with the power to create money from nothing as debt owed with interest was "The Bank of England" founded in 1694. Within a few years, it acquired total control of the so-called British Empire which became absolutely dependent on borrowing money that its previous Kings had created before the murder of King Charles I in 1649 during a Civil War financed by the international bankers.

English Kings that came after Charles I lacked the power to create money and were forced to borrow it from the international banking dynasties which improved their control with the creation of "The Bank of England."

The Federal Reserve was created on December 23, 1913 as all other central banks that followed "The Bank of England" model. Its members conducted a fake Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to enable the Federal government to have an income tax.

To this day, the income tax is used to pay for Fed money created from nothing and taxpayers are used as collateral for the ridiculous act of trading National debt bonds for Fed money created from nothing. The bonds are valuable because they are a government promise to pay for money which is backed by the government power to tax the income of everything including corporations.

If the Federal Reserve did not exist, Americans would have zero income taxes. It's that simple. Reform is impossible without ending the privately owned central bank systems. Congressman Ron Paul wrote a book about ending the Federal Reserve and many other previous American politicians tried but failed since the very start of the Fed. A 2012 book: "Web of Debt" by Ms. Ellen Brown explains how the central bankers seized power worldwide and the details of how the money creation from nothing works.

Two documentaries in Bitchute "The Money Masters" and "The Secret of OZ" explain the events that led to the present financial reality and how the system works which can't end well. Failure to understand the money creation system is extremely dangerous for anybody that wants to live above poverty.

Why Nations Don't Need Large Populations or Immigrants of Any Type. Japan started to bring in migrants.


Immigration of any type will destroy Japan as it is destroying all former white nations. First, it's necessary to defeat the Big Lie of a declining population being bad. In 1940, Japan had a total population of 73 million Japanese people. Today, Japan has a population of 124 million compressed into only the Japanese islands that are about the size of the American State of California.

With 73 million people, Japan conquered half of China, a country slightly larger than the U.S., and held Korea, Taiwan and Manchurria. Japan fought World War 2 and conquered a vast space including the Philippines and reached near the northern border of Australia in New Guinea.

With merely 73 million people, Japan manufactured all its weapons and national infrastructure. That included aircraft carriers, airplanes, submarines, etc.

In 1940, the population of the U.S. was 132 million composed of 89.8% whites. With that population, the U.S. waged World War 2 in Europe and Asia after it entered on December 7, 1941. Today the U.S. population is over 340 million with no end in sight. Less than 58% of the population is white.

In March, 1941, Britain became bankrupt and totally dependent on U.S. "Lend Lease" supplies to continue the war. On June 22, 1941, the mass murdering Soviet Union was attacked by Germany in a pre-emptive strike before its planned attack on Germany. The Soviet Communists were saved as Britain by U.S. "Lend Lease" even though the U.S. was not in the war.

This proves that with a population of 132 million, the U.S. was able to sustain two mighty empires that would have been defeated by Germany in 1941 before it could enter the war. During WW2, the U.S. produced more armaments than any other nation and sustained the war to the end.

By the way, in 1941, it became evident that both Britain and the Soviet Union were on the verge of certain defeat, even with U.S. supplies. Thus, the war criminals Churchill and Roosevelt created a forced war trap to fool the American people to enter the war.

During July 16, 1941 to August 1, 1941, Britain and the U.S. imposed a total oil and economic embargo on Japan which was totally dependent on imported oil controlled by Britain and the U.S. Japan had a 3 month supply of oil and was facing a total collapse within months of the embargo.

Japan tried to negotiate any reasonable deal but was refused and informed that it had to surrender its empire and thus become a vassal. Naturally, as planned by the war criminals, Japan chose to fight rather than surrender its independence.