Sunday, February 23, 2025

All Migrants Must be Deported or What's Left of America Can't Survive.


Over 18 million migrant invaders entered under the Biden regime. All of them plus their offspring and the tens of millions that entered before, must be deported or what's left of America can't survive because there is not enough wealth left to financially support the negative value brown and black migrants. If the Trump regime fails to remove ALL the migrants, a catastrophic financial crisis is inevitable.

New money for the migrants is created by the privately owned "Federal Reserve" as money created from nothing as debt owed with interest, a power denied to all governments.

With that money creation power, international banking dynasties that control all central bank networks in the world, bought everything money can buy, including all key positions in former white nations which they are destroying using migrant invasion population replacement and countless toxic policies created to make all European Caucasian races extinct.

The money created from nothing as debt owed with interest, devalues incomes and savings, plunging white American taxpayers deeper into poverty. According to the "Federal Reserve" 51% of American taxpayers are too poor to pay Federal income taxes and are exempt. They only pay social security and employment taxes. Over 40% of American taxpayers are so poor that they lack $400 in cash to pay for emergencies.

There are not enough taxpayers, housing, medical care, schools, etc. to support the migrants. The mostly white tax donkeys are facing unlimited property tax increases in declining formerly upper middle class and higher class suburbs due to demands to increase school taxes to accomodate migrant children demands.

In New York State affluent overtaxed suburbs far from NYC have had property tax elections that voted for no increases, overturned by un-elected bureacrats. My district voted no tax increases, but the election was rejected and a property tax increase of 5% was imposed over the election refusal. That state of affairs can't continue or the entire middle and upper middle class will be liquidated.

How to end the migrant crisis.

1. Stop all government benefits, including schools, food, medical etc.
2. Enforce existing immigration laws that fine and imprison employers of illegal aliens and landlords that rent to them.
3. Give migrants 3 months to self-deport or face 2-3 years of work in jail work gangs working on roads and agriculture.
4. Deputize military veterans and bounty hunters to enforce immigration laws and pay them $2,000 per head to remove migrants to the Mexican border.

The above is the minimum needed for survival.

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