Thursday, February 20, 2025

Population Replacement With Negative Value Lower Races Always Ends in Total Ruin and Extinction of Targeted Races.


Population replacement is what happens when races are defeated, demoralized and lose the will to conquer internal and external enemies. They lack fighting men to lead governments, resist forced population replacement and being tax farmed to support enemy migrants.

If migrants faced a hostile population with fighting men, they would self-deport and would stop coming for the same reason whites avoid black and brown habitats.

FEAR is stronger than the greed to live off white tax donkeys. The police and governments are also ruled by that natural law. They want to avoid being lynched by the population they hate.

Germany and Western Europe are sinking to 3rd World levels because of population replacement with negative value lower races and countless toxic policies created by anti-white rulers to destroy everything.

If the status quo continues, white males will perish in the ruins of the land they failed to defend while white women and girls become breeding stock for a new colored migrant mulatto race.

God's natural laws are hard, but just. Only organisms that fight to defend and expand their habitat, have a will to conquer internal and external enemies, reproduce normally and abundantly and promote only their best racial elements, have a right to life. Others become extinct as all failed species must.

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