Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Idea of Forced Racial Integration and Mass Immigration of Colored Races is Evil.


The idea of forcibly integrating higher with lower races is evil, alien, un-American and has caused countless deaths and the destruction of cities and lands built by white races. Whose idea was it? Who continues it as forced "DEI," Who continues it as forced mass migrant invasions and legal mass immigration of incompatible black and brown races, to replace the populations of former white nations?

In 1940, the population of the U.S. was 132 million, composed of 89.8% white races. Today, the U.S. population is 340 million, with less than 58% white races. Soon there will not be enough whites to sustain a Western civilization and it will free fall into 3rd World African levels.

In 1940, with a population of 132 million, the U.S. was fooled into destroying Europe and Japan during World War 2. Britain became bankrutpt in March, 1941 and became totally dependent on U.S. armaments and food supplies. The former Soviet Union was being defeated in 1941 as Britain and also relied on massive U.S. armaments.

The above facts prove that large populations are not needed. With a population of 132 million the U.S. was able to fight a war in both Europe and Asia plus to totally support two huge empires, Britain and the Soviet Union that were going under into total defeat in 1941, before the U.S. forced Japan to attack it by cutting off Japan's oil supply and demanding that Japan surrender its empire to become a vassal.

Large populations of any type, destroy living standards but when the large population is composed of lower races with negative values, the former nation is destroyed.

Artificial intelligence with AI robots will perform all needed jobs, making small, high racial value populations prosperous if they rid themselves of internal and external enemies and expel all lower races from their habitats.

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