Thursday, February 6, 2025

Why are Former White Nations Dying Under a Forced Multi-racial Genocidal Progam?


The international anti-white enemies ✡️of European Causasian white races will be satisfied only when the last white face is stomped under a Jewish boot as his colored slaves cheer. The lower races created nothing significant in the world and proved it by their inability to create a homeland for themselves higher than Africa and India. Envy creates a hatred that can only be satisfied by the extinction of the hated higher race. The international enemy of whites uses the lower races to destroy the highest white race that invented everything significant in the world using toxic ediologies and policies and mass migrant black and brown races to destroy everything in former white nations. Their power is the control of privately owned by member banks, of central banks that create money from nothing as debt owed with interest, a power denied to all governments and people. With that power, they bought everything money can buy including all key positions in society, corporations and governments. That is the root of the poisonous parasite.

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