Monday, February 10, 2025

Population Replacement and Racial Extinction.

 This what happens to defeated, demoralized white races that lost the will to defend the nations built by their ancestors and now lack heroic fighting men.

They lack fighting men that fight mortal enemies or anything. They gave up everything they inherited to mortal external and internal racial enemies that are feeding off white tax donkeys that are falling into ruin in all former white nations that are now under a population replacement program using mass 3rd World migrant invaders. If migrant invaders found hostile populations with fighting men, they would self-deport and would stop coming for the same reasons whites avoid entering black habitats. FEAR is stronger than the greed to feed off white tax donkeys and take over houses and everything. Only fighting men not afraid of governments can hold land, property, families and everything. Only such men can maintain and progress civilization and only such men can create and hold real nations for their own race. Only fighting men can stop governments from forcing population replacement and extinction on them and their race. It took many generations to build those countries that are now subverted and free falling into the 3rd World with a new inferior alien population that hates whites and what they created. 3rd World Migrants and internal black and brown races have intelligence closer to the highest apes than to the high races but they know that they can't create homelands for themselves or even feed themselves in Africa etc. without food money extracted from white tax donkeys.

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