Sunday, January 19, 2025

ALL Migrant Invaders Must Be Deported, not merely a Few Millions, Or Americans Will Free Fall Into 3rd World Ruin. We can't Afford Them. We Can't Afford Foreign Affairs, Wars etc. Either.


Over 18 million migrant invaders entered under Biden. They have one offspring every 18 months. Add to that the countless millions of migrant invaders that entered before. Americans must share housing, schools, medical care, roads, electricity, water, EVERYTHING with the migrant invaders. America lacks the resources and money to absorb the millions of migrants.

There are not enough taxpayers to pay the cost of migrants. 51% of individuals working in the economy are too poor to pay Federal Income taxes and are exempt. The Federal Reserve published that 40% of Americans can't pay $400 for an emergency because they lack even that little savings.

Reality is hard but must be faced, Americans simply are not rich enough to support 3rd World migrants or migrants of any kind, even those that rob Americans of high paying jobs.

The migrants come as conquerors to take everything Americans have. They are negative value migrants. New money is created for migrants as debt owed with interest. That fuels inflation that devalues incomes and savings. Prices for housing and everything will drive most Americans into 3rd World poverty and even mass famine.

Migrants that anyone can observe have several children ready to enter American schools. Property taxes are increasing to unbearable levels for homeowners in formerly middle and upper class suburbs. That increases the cost of rental housing and forces Americans out of the housing market because they can't qualify for mortages and high property taxes.

Why must white tax donkeys be forced to pay property taxes that will drive them out of their homes in order to provide schools for the offspring of migrant invaders?

The end of the mass migrant population replacement is the ruin of everything and the inevitable extinction of European Caucasian whites because they can't breed without limits and live in multiple families packed into single family homes and apartments. One family occupies a single bedroom and shares the rest of the house.

Blacks will kill each other when they are inevitably forced into multiple families packed into single family housing. Whites will simply refuse to form families to try to cope with the lack of affordable housing.

Browns and migrants can live packed together because that's how they live in their failed, ruined 3rd World lands.

Migrants proved that they are unable to create homelands for themselves. Every place governed or inhabited by black or brown races is quickly destroyed, even formely beautiful cities built by whites.

It's suicide to continue the present state of affairs that affects all former white nations. All monarchies and republics failed and must be discarded. A worldview based on the preservation of independent nations and individual races must replace the status quo before the white races become extinct. That will inevitably cause the extinction of all remaining races because after the extinction of the highest race, the entire human species becomes another failed species that must be removed in order to make room for another.

God's natural laws are hard but just. Species that won't defend their habitats, reproduce normally and abundantly, defeat and conquer enemies, expand the living space of their race and have the WILL TO CONQUER must perish.

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