Americans have no place to escape to because all former white nations are under the population replacement program using mass migrant invasions and legal immigration.
Mass deportations were promised in America but nothing less than quickly deporting over 18 million migrant invaders will save America from a financial crisis.
Over 18 million migrant invaders entered under the Biden regime. They have an offspring every year, that plus the millions that entered previously, are enough to destroy what's left of America. The Biden regime comitted one of the largest treason crimes in history by opening the borders to hostile migrant invaders.
There is not enough wealth to share with the migrants, housing, medical care, schools that must be paid by property taxes and health insurance premiums paid by taxpayers etc.
If the present regime deports less than the minimum 18 million plus offspring, what's left of the U.S. can't survive because there are not enough income tax and property tax donkeys to support the migrants that invaded to feed off what's left of America which is plunging younger generations of Americans into property-less poverty.
The Federal Reserve recently announced that over 40% of Americans lack $400 in savings for any emergency, they are living paycheck to paycheck. 51% of Americans working in the economy are too poor to pay Federal income taxes and are exempt. They still must pay social security and employment taxes but without income taxes, the privately owned Federal Reserve simply creates money from nothing as debt owed with interest.
New money for migrants is created as debt owed with interest. That fuels inflation that devalues incomes and savings. The national debt is over $36 TRILLION owed with interest, at a certain point, a financial crisis will destroy the bottom 95% of the propertied population.
Sane educated persons know that rich nations don't need large populations. In 1940, the U.S. population was 132 million, 89.8% was white. That population was more than enough to fight World War 2 in Europe and Asia, plus to supply Britain and the former Soviet Union with massive armaments.
Both Britain and the Soviets would have been defeated in 1941, before the U.S. entered the war. Britain became bankrupt in March, 1941 and was dependent on the U.S for the rest of the war.
With its population of 132 million, the U.S. was fooled into using its power to destroy Europe and Japan, but it emerged as the strongest industrial economy in the world.
Japan's 1940 population was 73 milion. Its present population is 124 million. With a population of 73 million Japan conquered half of China which is slightly larger than the U.S and reached the borders of India and Australia. As the U.S., Japan produced all its weapons including aircraft carriers, submarines, airplanes etc.
The above prove that large populations like India's over 1 billion negative value people are unnecessary and destructive because the idea of forcing incompatible lower and higher races into a former nation is evil and has caused countless lives and the destruction of most large cities in North America and Europe by lower races.
The idea of importing foreigners of any type, even of the same race into a nation impoverishes the nation while it destroys its culture and founding stock race.
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