In 1940 the population of the U.S. was 132 million with whites composing 89.8% of the population. Presently the white population is less than 58% of a total population of 345 million.
In December 1941, the U.S. was able to enter World War Two with its smaller population and won World War Two on two fronts composed of Europe and Asia. The U.S. supplied Britain with 100% of its armaments and supplies when Britain went bankrupt in March 1941 and supplied the mass murdering Soviet Union with huge armaments and supplies that saved it from defeat in 1941-1945. The American people did not need migrants to become the greatest and richest country in the world.
In 1940, the population of Japan was 73 million. In 2024, the population is 124 million. With its smaller 1940 population Japan fought and conquered half of China, plus fought World War 2. Japan manufactured 100% of its armaments including aircraft carriers, ships, submarines etc. In 1941, Japan did not need to increase its population or to import migrants.
Both the U.S. and Japan would have made far greater progress with their smaller homogeneous populations as proven by the fact that in 1965, the standard of living and quality of life was far higher in the U.S. One average income was enough to support a family with husband, wife and 4 children.
The distance separating the highest European Caucasian white races from blacks which are the lowest of the lower races is greater than the distance separating blacks from the highest apes.
Search: "IQ chart of the world" "IQ map of the world." Most blacks are within or near Moron level (51-70 IQ). That's why they can't maintain anything higher than Haiti or Congo, why they destroy everything whites built when they took over, by governing or inhabiting and why blacks never emerged out of the stone age in their native habitat in Africa.
In the middle of the 19th century, European explorers found all blacks in the stone age without knowledge of wheels etc. The only "cities" in black Africa were slave trading outsposts built by whites and Muslims. Blacks sold other blacks to Jewish slave traders which then sold them to whites outside Europe worldwide.
The racial intelligence of blacks explains why after countless trillions of dollars spent on blacks plus racial preference pushing the few mediocre IQ blacks into careers and government at all levels, above higher qualified whites; failed to uplift blacks.
All places worldwide, governed or inhabited by blacks are quickly ruined. There is not a single exception.
Separation and repatriation of black and brown races to their native habitat is the only way to stop the present downfall into extinction of whites in all former white nations.
In 711 AD Muslims invaded and conquered Spain except for a tiny part. Whites fought and gradually defeated the Muslims and expelled them in 1492 AD. In 1609 "converted" Christian aliens were also expelled from Spain.
Muslims gradually conquered South Eastern Europe including Hungary starting in the 1500s. Whites gradually reconquered lost lands and finally expelled Muslim Turk invaders in 1912 AD. These examples prove that expelling incompatible races is possible even if it takes many centuries of fighting.
Presently whites are very farther advanced in military power than before, so mass expulsions can be done within 5 years by pushing all blacks, browns and their enablers and lovers into Mexico etc. Europe can push them into North Africa which is on the south shore of the European Mediterranean Sea.
Blacks and brown races will be happier living with their own kind in their own habitats because they will not be forced to depend on white tax donkeys to feed them and they won't have to compete with superior whites which is cruel and unfair to all.
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