Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Instead of complaining about black and brown crime, demand white men to fight your enemies or perish


Cowardly weakness and ignorance created white Beta males which caused our downfall. Allowing a tiny population of international enemy aliens to take over the governments of all former nations by the incredible stupidity of allowing international racial enemies their privately owned central bank networks and member banks that create money from nothing as debt owed with interest and forcing an income tax to pay the anti-white aliens banks, enabled them for money created from nothing to take over everything money can buy and to force the stupid sheep into wars to destroy their own race.

With the money creation power we allowed them to take, they bought everything money can buy including all key positions in society including false education systems, governments etc.

Our stupid ancestors gave away their posterity and their former nations and race. This is the root of why mass migrant invasions to destroy white races is happening. Blacks and browns are mere tools and useful because of their low intelligence and their inabiity to create anything, even to maintain cities and lands built by whites. Their envy of whites causes their hatred to kill their envied superiors which is evident to all those above cretins, imbeciles and morons.

The cowardly wretches allowed their nations to be destroyed and to lose everything including their lives by racial enemies. Only strong fighting men can hold land, property, families and nations. If the status quo continues, weaklings will perish in the ruins of the land they failed to defend against internal and external lower races while their women become prey to black and brown races which are the new population ruled by the anti-white aliens.

The idea of forcing higher races to integrate with lower races is evil and has cost countless lives and the destruction of most large cities built by whites worldwide. The ruin is quickly spreading to suburbs and other former places of refuge.

Only trained, armed fighters will survive in the ruins of former white nations. Only they can save white races and Western civilization. Blacks and brown races envy and hate higher races and will destroy everything if the status quo continues with population replacement and the rulers with their vile helpers. They mean to exteminate all whites, crime against whites is a useful tool for them.

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