Saturday, January 4, 2025

The Idea of forcing incompatible races together is evil and has proven to be a failure that if continued will make European Caucasian races and Western civilization extinct.


European Caucasian white races invented everything significant in the world, including the most beautiful architecture, art, literature, science EVERYTHING. Only the Japanese race and culture can compare with white civilization.

If whites become extinct, inventions will cease and the remaining races will inevitably perish, probably by a plague because by eliminating the highest white race, the human species will have proved to be a failed species.

God's natural laws are hard but just. Species that won't defend their habitats, reproduce normally and abundantly, become corrupt and degenerate etc. are eliminated to make room for other species to occupy the land.

The 3rd World migrants that are being used as population replacement to eliminate whites in all former white nations come from the lowest races with the least intelligence and are physically ugly and destructive.

The migrant invaders imported by anti-white rulers into all former white nations proved that they can't create a homeland for themselves higher than Haiti, India, Congo etc. These 3rd World races can't function in a former white nation society because their intelligence is too low to even maintain cities, organizations etc. built by whites. The ruined cities of North America and Europe governed or inhabited by colored races are visual proof of this.

Every place governed by black and brown races is quickly destroyed because inherited racial genes determine appearance, intelligence, behavior, EVERYTHING. All the money in the world can't change the inherited low intelligence, low value genes of a single black or brown individual.

Search: "world IQ chart" "world IQ map" use several search engines to avoid censorship lies. The average intelligence of blacks falls within or near Moron level (51-70 IQ). Nothing much can be achieved with such low intelligence. That's why Africa, Haiti and all places governed or inhabited by blacks can't rise above their present low level although white tax donkeys have been forced for many generations to feed blacks and browns worldwide.

Brown races possess higher intelligence but fall below 85 average IQs which are too low to rise above present 3rd World brown country levels.

Migrants imported into North America, Europe and all other former white homelands will destroy everything to the level of their ruined countries because of racial limitations.

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