White women are being corrupted into becoming racial miscegenation "mudsharks" giving birth to mulatto anti-white children that add to the enemies of her race. Mulattoes envy and hate whites as blacks but are more dangerous because of their higher intelligence.
White mudsharks are a dead end for their family and racial genes. White women have the most important job in the world which is to give birth to racially valuable white children and to raise them to become valuable humans. Without that, the European Caucasian white race will die. After that all significant inventions, beautiful culture including literature, art, science etc. will disappear into a Dark Age that ends the remaining lower races as a failed species that destroyed its most valuable race.
Only women can give life to their race. If white women of high racial value with the best genes continue pursuing the feminist goal of pursuing careers in corporations and government instead of passing forward valuable family and racial genes, the white race will decline in value to 3rd World levels and will become extinct as it loses former white homelands to colored races that envy and hate them. Colored races and their anti-white masters will not spare the men and will use white women as breeding stock for a mixed colored race that will be merely another 3rd World mediocre race.
If the status quo continues and the present generation enables it, population replacement by mass migrant invasions plus toxic policies, alien ideologies etc. will cause white males to perish in the ruins of the land they failed to defend while white women and girls become prey to black and brown races.
European Caucasian white races and Western civilization will become extinct as a failed species that won't fight to defend its habitat, women or anything.
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