Another of countless examples that prove that the idea of forcing incompatible races to share the same living space and institutions is EVIL and destructive of races and civilization.
Blacks have intelligence levels within or near Moron level (51-70 IQ). This level of intelligence makes it impossible for black and brown races which also have low intelligence levels around 80 IQ, to function in an advanced society.
The lower intelligence black and brown races can't even maintain cities, organizations etc. built by whites but taken over and governed or inhabited by blacks and brown races. The ruined former beautiful white cities of North America and Europe taken over by blacks and browns prove this.
Blacks can't rise to a level higher than Haiti or Africa because of inherited racial genes that have been measured and proven to be incapable of rising higher than their intelligence level. The same applies to brown races which also can't rise higher than their 3rd world homelands.
When lower races mass migrate into societies built by whites or other advanced races such as the Japanese, they can only exist by living off white or other tax donkeys or by being selected for positions based on race instead of by being the most qualified. That creates envy in the lower races which causes hatred and the desire to destroy whites and everything they built.
The below two blacks murdered the white, stole his vehicle and crashed it while fleeing police in Topeka, Kansas, USA.
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